What are some home myths that need to be debunked? Here are five that could cost you.

Myth 1: Stone Countertops can’t be ruined. Yes they can! They can stain just like other countertops, their seal can be broken and the stone ruined. Did you know – not a myth – that you should reseal your granite countertops every year? Here is more information about resealing your granite counters from a company called “Granite Heroes.”

Myth 2: Your smoke detector’s test button tells you if the device is working. Well, it tells you that the sound is working, but it doesn’t, in fact, tell you whether the sensor that detects smoke is working. Some, you can test by lighting a long match under the detector, but that is not recommended if you have a built-in sprinkler system…Either way, make sure to change the batteries at least once a year (twice a year is recommended,) and in Maryland, if your smoke alarm is over 10 years old, legally, you are required to get new ones. Here is a link to the smoke detector alarm law in Maryland on the Baltimore County Government website.

Myth 3: You don’t have to clean Gutter Guards. Gutter Guards can be helpful to keep leaves from piling up, but did you know that pine needles and seeds can get through the holes and plug up the gutters? Check them once a year to make sure the water is flowing correctly!

Myth 4: A big “on-trend” kitchen remodel will increase your house value. Trends are just that. Trends. They come and go. What is very popular right now may not be popular when you go to sell your home in a few years. If you are wanting to redo your kitchen but are considering moving sometime in the future and want to take resale value into consideration, it may possibly be best to go with more traditional timeless looks.

Myth 5: Turning off your A/C when you leave the house will save you money. A better idea would be to turn your temperature up a few degrees, because if it gets very hot and humid in your home while the A/C is off, any savings you may have gotten may get pushed aside by the time and energy it takes to cool your house off to a comfortable temperature when you return. Also, to note, if you have a heat pump for your A/C, it may take even more energy for it to go off and on, potentially negating possible savings. Here is a site that discusses how heat pumps work most efficiently.

Thank you for the ideas and myths from House Logic. They posted more myths that could be tackled, but I felt five was a good number to work with.

Are there more home recommendations you have heard that you wonder if they are myths? Send me a message, I can find answers!

And if you are considering buying or selling a Timonium home, please contact me. I would love to help!