Baltimore House Value

Baltimore County Most Expensive Home Sales 2013

January 24th, 2014

Baltimore County's most expensive home sales in 2013 were spread out, from Ruxton to Glyndon! The five highest home sales in Baltimore County in 2013, according to MRIS, our local multiple listing system, were: 1. 1832 Circle Road, Ruxton, MD 21204. $3,900,000. This home is situated on 11.53 acres in Ruxton. It showcases six bedrooms, four [...]

Buying into Baltimore Fall 2013

September 16th, 2013

Buying into Baltimore Fall 2013 is Saturday, September 21, 2013. The event has moved, and begins at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (Poly), located at 1400 W Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21209. Check-in begins at 8:30am, with homebuying workshops and CityLiving Fair beginning at 9am. The narrated bus tour leaves at 1, while self guided tours, [...]

Baltimore County Most Expensive Home Sales 2012

January 21st, 2013

Baltimore County's most expensive home sales in 2012 happened in Northern Baltimore County last year. The five highest home sales in Baltimore County in 2012, according to MRIS, our local multiple listing system, were: 1. 10801 Greenspring Avenue, Timonium, MD 21093. $3,500,000. This home is situated on 28.9 acres, and is a stone estate house. It [...]

Buying into Baltimore Homebuying Fair East 2012

September 7th, 2012

The Buying into Baltimore Homebuying Fair for the East side is this Saturday, September 8, 2012 from 8:30am-4pm. The event begins at Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School ("Mervo"), located at 3500 Hillen Rd, Baltimore, MD 21218, with Check-in and Neighborhood tour sign up from 8:30-11am. There is a $15 per person charge to participate. Home [...]

Easy Tips to Help Show Your Home

July 9th, 2012

There are a few easy tips that home sellers can use and follow that should help in showing and selling their home. The National Association of REALTORS(R) put together a comprehensive list, and I will take them on below. 1) Clear off the counters! That little pile of mail. That unused juicer. The cute nicknacks [...]

Is This the Cheapest Time to Buy a Home?

May 9th, 2012

With all of the discussions about the low interest rates coupled with the low house prices, a question keeps popping up, "Is this the best time to buy a home?" The answer to the above question depends on your personal situation, but a better question that may be answerable is, "Is this the CHEAPEST time [...]

Baltimore Foreclosure Rate March 2012

May 7th, 2012

Baltimore foreclosure rates were up in March 2012 versus the same period last year, according to an article by Inman News. The foreclosure rate for the Baltimore-Towson area was at 3.8%, 8th highest in the select markets used in the article. This is an increase of .60% from March 2012. There were 1,262 completed foreclosures [...]

Five Possible Issues with Lowball Offers in Baltimore Real Estate

April 28th, 2012

The market for the past few years has been on the buyers' sides, so it isn't surprising to have seen some lowball offers. Recently, the market has been changing in places, and a lowball offer may affect a buyer in ways they had not thought of before. Trulia wrote a post about five facts to [...]

It is More Affordable to Buy Than Rent in Baltimore Right Now

March 29th, 2012

According to a new report run by Trulia, it is more affordable to buy than rent in Baltimore right now! Rentals are at over 92% capacity, per the United States Census Bureau, and rates are high. Meanwhile, the percentage of home price decline from the peak of value is 20.4%, per the Federal [...]

Baltimore Named Top 10 Metro Area for Newlyweds

March 28th, 2012

Baltimore Newlyweds have it good, according to a survey run by The survey ask participants about how cohabiting helped or changed them, and how their city has treated them. In the survey, over 75% responded that their quality of life improved since they moved in together. (I hope so! I am surprised it is not higher!) 62% said [...]

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