Baltimore House Value

Baltimore Appraisal Question

February 10th, 2012

Sometimes there are some questions with Baltimore appraisals, and a big one has to do with short sales and foreclosures and whether they are used in comparisons with regular home sales. Short sales and foreclosures are "distressed" properties, often times in lesser condition than their surrounding regular homes. So why do appraisers need to take [...]

Baltimore Zillow Zestimates Still Off

February 7th, 2012

Baltimore Zillow Zestimates are still often off from true value, despite the change in algorithms last year. "Desktop Valuations" are a quick way to look at the potential value of a home, but they do not take many factors into consideration, and some of the things they DO use to determine a value should not be used! [...]

Upbeat Housing Outlook 2012

January 19th, 2012

USA Today reports that economists, banking and building executives are thinking optimistically of the real estate market in the coming year, and that the housing industry may be finally close to hitting the bottom. The article does clarify, though, that prices are still expected to drop in many areas, but there should be more home sales, [...]

Baltimore County Most Expensive Home Sales 2011

January 11th, 2012

Baltimore County real estate had a few high end home sales in 2011. The five highest home sales in Baltimore County, according to MRIS, our local multiple listing system, included a few farms, and most had a large amount of acreage. 5. 905 Hayfields Rd, Cockeysville, MD 21030. $3,475,000. Listed and sold by Krauss Real [...]

FHA Loan Limits Remain High

December 9th, 2011

The loan limits for FHA are at a decent amount, thanks to Congress voting to reinstate the loan limits that had been in place before, but had lapsed. Currently, the limit for an FHA mortgage in Baltimore County is $560,000. That was due to drop down to $494,500, which could have really hurt [...]

Strange Things That May Hurt Your Baltimore House Value

October 19th, 2011

There are some things about your Baltimore home that you may have gotten used to, or don't bother you, but could affect your house's value. Recently there was an article on MSNMoney where they tackled a few of these things. Your house is different from the majority of the houses around you. If yours is [...]

Why Did My House Appraisal Come in Low?

October 12th, 2011

Why did my house appraisal come in lower than contract price? Even with comparable sales to your contract price on your house on record, if there are other homes in the area that have sold for less since then, that says to an appraiser that values are dropping in the neighborhood. An appraiser's responsibility is [...]

Foreclosure Backlog Could Lower Baltimore House Values Further

September 27th, 2011

The foreclosure backlog is large, and with foreclosure filings up 33% in August over July, analysts think the real estate market has yet to hit bottom. What does this mean for Baltimore real estate? Well, it could mean that Baltimore house values could see further drops. As more foreclosures come on the market in any [...]

Buying Into Baltimore Homebuying Fair East 2011

September 6th, 2011

The Buying into Baltimore Homebuying Fair for the East side is this Saturday, September 10, 2011 from 8:30am-2pm. The event begins at Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School ("Mervo") with Check-in and Neighborhood tour sign up from 8:30-11am. There is a $10 per person charge to participate. Home buying classes are 9-11:00am, then 11am-1:15pm are the [...]

Baltimore FHA Loan Limits May Drop in Fall

June 22nd, 2011

FHA loan limits across the United States had been set at a higher level to help the housing market from further decline, and in September 2010 that was extended through September 2011. Baltimore Area Loan Limits courtesy of NAR The current loan limit in Baltimore County, Baltimore City, and Harford County is $560,000 [...]

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