Baltimore real estate market

Baltimore Real Estate Named Seventh Hottest Market for 2014

February 25th, 2014

Baltimore real estate was named the seventh hottest market for 2014, according to CNNMoney. One of the top ten, as reported by CNNMoney based on a home price forecast report by CoreLogic Case-Shiller. This is for the Baltimore Metropolitan area, which includes the Towson real estate market, as well as most likely Columbia, much of Howard [...]

Baltimore Foreclosures 2014

February 19th, 2014

Baltimore Foreclosures for the beginning of 2014 were up, and in a big way. RealtyTrac, a company that tracks foreclosures across the US, reported that Baltimore foreclosures were up 119% over January 2013. According to an article in the Baltimore Business Journal, Baltimore foreclosures were not the only ones on the rise on the East [...]

How is the Baltimore Real Estate Market Looking for 2014?

January 28th, 2014

How is the Baltimore real estate market looking for 2014? That is a very good question, and one that is not easy to answer. There is much confusing information out there as to the "rebounding" real estate market, or how prices are "soaring" or "slowing," depending on which article you read. And the truth is [...]

Five Possible Issues with Lowball Offers in Baltimore Real Estate

April 28th, 2012

The market for the past few years has been on the buyers' sides, so it isn't surprising to have seen some lowball offers. Recently, the market has been changing in places, and a lowball offer may affect a buyer in ways they had not thought of before. Trulia wrote a post about five facts to [...]

Baltimore Low Performing Real Estate Market 2011

August 10th, 2011

Inman news reports Baltimore to be the 11th lowest performing real estate market, with an average 6.4% drop in prices seen in the first half of 2011. In the Inman article, Clear Capital, whose data was used, predicts a further drop of 2.9% for the remainder of 2011. That part is good news, at least [...]

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