Cockeysville Real Estate

Oregon Ridge Nature Center In Hunt Valley Maryland

October 4th, 2009

Have you been to the Nature Center at Oregon Ridge Park in Hunt Valley? If not, you should give it a visit. Today was the 28th Annual Honey Harvest Festival, where kids and adults alike were able to see the process of how honey is created from the combs of the bees nests. Add onto [...]

First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit is Running Out of Time

August 24th, 2009

November 30, 2009 seems far enough away. It's after Thanksgiving, and it's currently 95 degrees out. Who's counting? Towson First Time Homebuyers should be, that's who! If you want to take advantage of the First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit, you must get MOVING NOW! It can take some time to find a house. If we [...]

$8,000 Tax Credit Can Be Used for Downpayment for Baltimore Homebuyers

May 12th, 2009

**Update May 14, 2009, please see my update that HUD has retracted its statement and that this may NOT be the case everywhere.** The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced at the National Association of Realtors summit today that the FHA is going to allow lenders to let First Time [...]

Zillow Zestimates for Towson Real Estate May Be Misleading

March 2nd, 2009

Have you ever wondered about those “Zestimates” from ? How accurate are they really? I pondered this recently, as a listing I have coming on the market in Hunt Valley has a Zestimate about $40,000 LESS than the value determined during my true, in-depth market analysis as a licensed Towson Real Estate Agent. (On the other hand, using their “My Estimator” tool brings the value up to over $110,000 HIGHER than its true value!)  […]

Baltimore Housing Market Gaining Strength

February 11th, 2009

Yes folks, you read that right, the Baltimore Housing Market is Gaining Strength. What? What was that? The sound of glass breaking? Crashing to the ground in disbelief? Well, believe it, and I have proof. My phone, which, for awhile now, I will admit, I thought only made OUTGOING calls, has been ringing. A LOT. [...]

Timonium and Towson High Gas Prices

July 29th, 2008

So, as we all know, gas prices have gotten very high -- so expensive that some people are resorting to traveling less, selling their SUVs, or figuring out other ways to save on gas. This is a great site, called -- it is put out by What is so neat is that people, [...]

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