First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit Extension

Baltimore Real Estate Market Third Week of February 2010

February 21st, 2010

As we enter the fourth and final week of February, I am reminded as to where the market was last year at this time versus this year. I have seen showings become more frequent in the past week and the excitement over spring's arrival in the next few weeks definitely brings people out to look. [...]

Homebuyers Claiming Tax Credit Cannot E-File

January 29th, 2010

Homebuyers who are claiming either the $6,500 move up credit or the $8,000 First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit cannot file electronically, according to the IRS. One of my past clients let me know of this after she read an article on MSN. (Thank you for the information and link!) The reason for this restriction is [...]

Cockeysville and Hunt Valley Home Sales Statistics Year 2009

January 18th, 2010

Cockeysville and Hunt Valley home sales in 2009 statistically were very stable. There were consistently over 100 houses on the market for sale in Hunt Valley. December 2009 was a slow month with only 4 houses going under contract, but other months on average 10-16 did. That same average applies for properties that settled. From [...]

Update on Questions on Homebuyer Tax Credit for Married Couples

January 11th, 2010

When the Homebuyer Tax Credit was extended to include long-time homeowners buying new houses and getting a $6,500 credit, a whole new group of questions came into play. Unfortunately for a few clients of mine (and I am sure many others out there), the answers were not what they were hoping. One person owns a [...]

President Obama Signs Bill Extending Tax Credit — What are the Details?

November 6th, 2009

**Update: According to the National Association of REALTORS (R) , the answer to the main question below is YES, buyers settling houses after November 6, 2009, even if under contract before the bill was signed, would qualify for the credit. I still recommend speaking with your tax accounting professional to determine your eligibility and to be certain on [...]

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