Hunt Valley

Hunt Valley Home Sales June 2014

July 14th, 2014

Hunt Valley Home Sales June 2014 were down from June 2013. The total volume of Hunt Valley homes sold in June was $5,336,500 , which is down 14.01% from June 2013, where we saw $6,205,925 sell. This is down significantly from the $9,307,000 we saw in Cockeysville Home Sales May 2014. The good news is that the average sales price was up 21.82% to [...]

Hunt Valley Home Sales May 2014

June 18th, 2014

Hunt Valley Home Sales May 2014 were up from May 2013. The total volume of Hunt Valley homes sold in May was $9,307,000, which is up 25.86% from May 2013, where we saw $7,394,950 sell. This is also up from the $5,648,666 we saw in Cockeysville Home Sales April 2014. The average sales price was up 4.88% to $517,056. Eighteen Cockeysville homes sold [...]

Cockeysville Home Sales April 2014

May 20th, 2014

Cockeysville Home Sales April 2014 were about the same as April 2013. The total volume of Hunt Valley homes sold in April was $5,648,666, which is up slightly from April 2013, where we saw $5,281,875 sell. This is down a bit from the $6,637,400 we saw in Hunt Valley Home Sales March 2014. The average sales price was up 6.94% to $434,513. [...]

Great Grapes Hunt Valley 2014

May 14th, 2014

Great Grapes Wine & Food Festival in Hunt Valley is May 31 & June 1, 2014 at Oregon Ridge Park. Twenty Maryland Wineries will be represented at this 12th Annual event, which will be held from Noon-6pm each day. The Cheese Pavilion, Spice Pavilion, and Olive Oil Pavilions are back. As in past years, live [...]

Baltimore Memorial Day 2014

May 12th, 2014

If you are planning to be in Baltimore Memorial Day weekend, there are a number of activities for all to enjoy! Brew at the Zoo is Saturday and Sunday at the Baltimore Zoo. Beer and wine samples, a kids play area, plus the animals and exhibits at the Zoo! More details and ticket information on their site. The [...]

Cockeysville Home Sales March 2014

April 21st, 2014

Cockeysville Home Sales March 2014 were down from the same point last year. The total volume of Hunt Valley homes sold in February was $6,637,400, which is down 31.02% from March 2013, where we saw $9,621,900 sell. It may be down overall, but it is up from what we saw in Hunt Valley Home Sales February 2014. [...]

Hunt Valley Home Sales February 2014

March 18th, 2014

Hunt Valley Home Sales February 2014 were up from the same point last year. The total volume of Hunt Valley homes sold in February was $5,592,150, which is up 27.44% from February 2013. The average sales price was up 16.82% to $466,013. Twelve Hunt Valley homes sold in February. It took an average of 112 days for [...]

Cockeysville Home Sales January 2014

February 17th, 2014

Cockeysville home sales for January 2014 were up from the same point last year. The total volume of Hunt Valley homes sold in January was $4,709,900, which is up 35.15% from January 2013. The average sales price was up 13.22% to $435,873 . Fifteen Hunt Valley homes sold in January, up from 9 that sold last year [...]

Hunt Valley Home Sales 2013

January 21st, 2014

Hunt Valley home sales in 2013 were up in a BIG way over 2012! The total volume of Hunt Valley homes sold in 2013 was  $90,661,650, which is up 38.53% from 2012. (November 2013 Hunt Valley Home Sales alone had an increase of 213.29% over the same period in 2012, and Hunt Valley Home Sales October 2013 had a jump of [...]

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