
Hereford High and Carver High in Towson Named Blue Ribbon Schools in 2016

September 30th, 2016

Hereford High School in Parkton and George Washington Carver High School in Towson were named National Blue Ribbon Schools in 2016! Congratulations to both Baltimore County high schools! A National Blue Ribbon School, according to the U.S. Department of Education's website, "is based on a school’s overall academic excellence or marked progress in closing achievement [...]

Dairy Road Bridge in Parkton to Be Closed

February 2nd, 2011

The Dairy Road bridge in Parkton will be closed for about 10 weeks as it is reconstructed for safety. The bridge is located east of I-83 in Parkton, and will be under construction for about 10 weeks. It was built in 1920, and the concrete was deteriorating from age & usage. When it reopens, it [...]

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