Port Discovery

Dollar Days 2013 Downtown Baltimore

December 1st, 2013

Dollar Days in Downtown Baltimore 2013 are Saturday, December 7 & Sunday, December 8. What are Dollar Days? Technically Dollar or Less Days, they are the days where participating Downtown Baltimore museums offer admission for $1 or less! This year, thirteen venues are participating. We went to the Science Center last year with friends and [...]

Baltimore Museum Week May 19-24, 2013

May 16th, 2013

Baltimore Museum Week is May 19-23, 2013. A number of Baltimore museums are celebrating with buy one, get one free admission. The many participating museums appear to trade off days when they have the BOGO deal, so make sure to check the Visit Baltimore site to check which places offer which days. Participating museums include The [...]

Dollar Days 2012 Downtown Baltimore

December 7th, 2012

Dollar Days in Downtown Baltimore 2012 are Saturday, December 8 & Sunday, December 9. What are Dollar Days? Technically Dollar or Less Days, they are the days where participating Downtown Baltimore museums offer admission for $1 or less! This year, thirteen museums are participating! We went to the Science Center last year with friends and [...]

Dollar Days in Downtown Baltimore December 3 & 4

November 30th, 2011

This weekend is "Dollar or Less Days" in Downtown Baltimore, where museums open for a dollar or less -- and invite you to join in the fun! This is part of the "Downtown for the Holidays" promotion, trying to bring people Downtown in the month of December. There are 15 museums participating this year, including the [...]

Milkshake Valentine Show for Autism Speaks

February 9th, 2011

Milkshake is playing a show on Sunday, February 13, 2011 to celebrate Valentine's Day and raise money for Autism Speaks. The Valentine's Day Spectacular concert will be at Ram's Head Live in Downtown Baltimore, with doors opening at 1 pm, and the concert beginning at 2 pm. Other fun things include face painting, balloon art, [...]

New Year’s Eve at Port Discovery in Baltimore 2010

December 28th, 2010

To celebrate the last year of 2010 and prepare to welcome 2011, Port Discovery is having a mid-day event on Friday for those who may not make it to midnight! Dubbed "Noontime New Year", this should be a great time for kids & adults alike. This year's theme is "A Masquerade Bash", so [...]

Downtown Baltimore Dollar Days December 4 & 5, 2010

November 19th, 2010

Downtown Baltimore will be having its' Dollar or Less Days on December 4 & 5, 2010 as part of the Downtown for the Holidays promotion in the City. Put together and promoted by the Downtown Partnership, this is a great opportunity to visit many  participating museums, centers, and attractions in Downtown Baltimore -- [...]

Port Discovery in Downtown Baltimore Celebrates Littles Day Saturday January 9, 2010

January 3rd, 2010

Port Discovery in continues its childrens New Year celebration this Saturday, January 9, 2010 with Littles Day designed for the little ones in the crowd! The Museum and exhibits open at 10 am along with an always-popular moonbounce. From 11:30 am -12:30 pm Bubbles the Clown will do magic and balloons. Face painting runs from 12-2 pm and The Kindersinger performs "It's [...]

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