Towson Real Estate Agent

Why Do Some Houses Sell While Others Stay on the Market?

August 27th, 2010

Why do some houses sell while others stay on the market? A very good question. The answer is rather simple: price & condition. In a Towson neighborhood where there could be 3 houses that have been on the market for months, a new one comes on. There is a flurry of activity, and the house [...]

Towson Real Estate Agent — My Second Interview with Castle Title TV

November 14th, 2009

David Kramer, President and General Counsel of Castle Title, LLC asked me back for another interview about Social Media and my successes with itĀ for business. (You can visit the first interview here.) This time the topic began as "How Much Time Should You Spend on Social Media", and we discussed this as well as appropriate [...]

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